Educational TED Talks

And its Many Implications

Title & Speaker Video & Link Summary
How to Eliminate Self Doubt Forever & The Power of Your Unconscious Mind by Peter Sage As humans, our perception of our limits tend to discourage us and subconsciously suggest that we can't succeed. Our subconscious tends to limit our conscious, so we need to align our conscious to cooperate with the subconscious. Our environments tend to win out over our desires and motivations. The solution to these issues is to make sure we put ourselves in suitable environments, and stop putting the wrong things into our minds and start putting the right things in our mind.
My Philosophy for a Happy Life by Sam Berns
  1. Be okay with what you can't do, because there are so many things you can do.
  2. Surround yourself with good people and people you love.
  3. Keep moving forward, seek new avenues and continue to grow.
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth Grit is a better indicator of success than intelligence or social skills. Because of this, grit might be an important topic to educate kids with rather than running with the stereotypes that success is inherent and comes naturally to most successful people.
The Paradox of Choice by Professor Renata Salecl Choices can cause anxiety, even though we all want change. The perceptions of other people affect our actions, because we're self-conscious, which reduces the capacity for radical social change. Choice also requires a loss, which is why we try to mitigate loss as much of possible by trying to choose the "best" choice. The world has evolved into a place where people believe that they are in charge of their lives, even though they are trapped in a system of long work hours and consumption, and people tend to blame themselves for all failure, even if that is not so.