
Entry Plan

$1000/3 Day Trip

  • Island is open to be explored
  • Hotel services
  • Very loose vacation
  • Bermuda Historical Resources

Comfy Plan

$2000/4 Day Trip

  • Guided Tour
  • Hotel Services
  • Fine Dining Services
  • Extra day

Luxury Plan

$5000/5 Day Trip

  • Fancy Hotel Services
  • Entertainment Services
  • Cruise Ship Ride
  • First Class Flights

Compare plans

Entry Comfy Luxury
Hotel Yes Yes Yes
Tour Yes Yes
Fine Dining Yes Yes
Entertainment Yes
Cruise Ride Yes
First Class Flight Yes

Checkout form

I kinda wanted to implement a selection system for choosing a specific vacation plan, but I think that's out of my league.

Vacation Options 3

  • Entry Plan
    Brief description
  • Comfy Plan
    Brief description
  • Luxury Plan
    Brief description
  • Promo code
  • Total (USD) $1000

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